Текст песни Gansta Blues, A. R. Rahman

Am I yeah.am I yo?
Am I great? Am I doh?
Am I high? Am I sure?
(I suspect this is my brain cooking up words where only sounds exist)
Etc. (This is beyond me)
Do you hear me? Do you care?
Do you see me? Do you stare?
Gotta find me like the shadow in the dark...
Don't stare!
Gangsta Blues!
Do you hear me? Do you care?
Do you see me? Do you dare?
Coming for me?/Come and find me? like the shadow in the dark...
Don't stare!
Hey! Out of line, out of time, out of mind,
Hey! Out of line, out of time, out of mind,
Me no care, me no wanna wanna care
Me no dare me no wanna wanna stare
Don't care
Don't stare!
You think you no really care what people say
You say you no really care what people do
You say you no really care what people think
You say you no really care
Another time, Another place,?, turn off the bass
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